金融援助 General Information

在这里,您将找到有关威斯康星大学学生可获得的援助类型的信息, how to apply for each award, and additional information about financial aid. 对学生和他们的家庭来说,经济援助过程是很重要的. 一个好的起点是了解不同类型的经济援助, as well as how that aid is funded. 经济援助可以来自联邦政府、州政府、大学和其他来源.

Types of Aid Available

  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • Federal Work-study program
  • Federal Direct Subsidized & 未受资助的贷款
  • Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan
  • Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
  • Federal Perkins Loan (discontinued as of 9/30/2017)
  • Texas Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG)
  • 大学入学贷款
  • B-on-Time Loan (renewal students only)
  • 学术奖学金-通过招生申请过程确定的奖项. Main Campus, full-time students only
  • 体育奖学金-由各自的教练和合规部门确定的奖项
  • Performance Scholarships - determined by the respective department. Main Campus, full-time students only
  • Incarnate Word Grants
  • 学生就业
  • Outside scholarships from private donors
  • Veterans Affairs (VA) funding, if applicable


  • 学生必须填写联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA) Fafsa.ed.政府 each year in order to apply for Federal aid.
  • 学生必须填写联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA) Fafsa.ed.政府 each year in order to apply for state aid.
  • The priority deadline for state funding is January 15 of each year. 为了满足这个截止日期,学生必须向部门提交有效的FAFSA. of Education no later than January 15.
  • 由于公民身份/居留权而不符合FAFSA资格的学生可以使用德克萨斯州国家财政援助申请(TASFA)。. Only the TEG grant may be awarded to TASFA students, at an annual maximum currently set at $3300 by the state legislature. tasfa也有1月15日提交给uw的优先截止日期.
  • State loans require Texas residency. The student must begin the loan application process at Hhloans.com in order to verify credit approval.
  • 学术奖学金——学术奖学金在被威斯康星大学录取时自动颁发给符合条件的学生. Main Campus, full-time students only.
  • 体育奖学金-体育奖学金由各自球队的教练颁发给合格的学生.
  • 绩效奖学金-绩效奖学金由各自院系自行决定颁发给合格的学生. Contact specific department chair for information on how to apply.
  • 化身文字补助金-学生必须完成联邦学生援助(FAFSA)的免费申请 Fafsa.ed.政府 each year in order to apply for Institutional grant aid. Merit-based scholarships do not require a FAFSA to be completed.
  • 学生就业-学生可以通过uw人力资源办公室查询学生就业职位.
  • 来自私人捐助者的外部奖学金-学生直接向提供奖学金的捐助者申请.
  • 退伍军人事务部(VA)资助-退伍军人将直接向VA申请和/或将其资格转移给学生, if the student is their dependent

Additional Information

Federal (Title IV) Aid

  • 联邦佩尔助学金-资格由EFC根据FAFSA计算确定.
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(SEOG) -仅颁发给0名EFC学生
    • For the 2020-2021 Academic Year
      • Allocation: 75% to Returning students, and 25% to New. 其中90%为秋季/春季学生,10%为2021年春季入学的学生.
      • Award criteria: FAFSA received, 0成立分公司, and 金融援助 file completed by March 6, 2020; new students must also be confirmed before that date.
  • 联邦勤工俭学计划-授予在FAFSA上表明感兴趣的学生
  • Federal Direct Subsidized & 无补贴贷款-补贴贷款以需求为基础,将颁发给根据其FAFSA资格的学生. 无补贴贷款不以需要为基础,将根据年级水平发放.
  • 联邦直接父母加贷款-受抚养学生的父母可以在FAFSA网上申请 热门产品.政府. Requires a valid FAFSA.
  • Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan - Graduate students may apply at 热门产品.政府
    Requires a valid FAFSA.
  • 联邦珀金斯贷款(自2017年9月30日起停止)-珀金斯贷款是为有特殊需要的学生提供的基于需求的贷款. 然而,除非通过额外的立法,否则这笔贷款将于2017年9月30日到期.


  • 德州学费平衡补助金(TEG) -学生必须完成FAFSA. 2017-2018学年的EFC分数必须低于19631分才能获得资格. TEG补助金是基于需求的,只能授予德克萨斯州居民,无论是新生还是符合国家规定的续签标准的归国学生.
  • 大学入学贷款-学生必须是德克萨斯州居民,必须符合信贷标准或有一个符合信贷标准的联署人. 批准由德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会(THECB)决定。.
  • B-on-Time Loan(仅限续期学生)-该计划将被欧洲中央银行逐步取消, and only renewal students are eligible at this time.


  • 学术奖学金-通过招生申请过程确定的奖项. Main Campus, full-time students only
  • 体育奖学金-由各自的教练和合规部门确定的奖项
  • Performance Scholarships - determined by the respective department. Main Campus, full-time students only
  • 化身世界助学金-在优秀奖学金和联邦/州援助之后,根据未满足的需求颁发. Full-time, Main Campus students only.
  • 学生就业 - students may apply directly with the department. Not all departments have student employment available. 职业服务 and/or Human Resources will post openings.


  • Outside scholarships from private donors - apply directly with the donor
  • 退伍军人事务(VA)资助,如果适用-直接向退伍军人事务办公室申请.

Timing of Disbursements

  • 主校区-助学金将在你开始参加相应的入学级别前三天转移到商务办公室, or the day on which all required documents have been received, 包括由于验证过程所需的任何更新的FAFSA记录, 以较晚的为准.
  • 专业学生助学金将在学生入学前10天转移到商务办公室, or the day on which all required documents have been received, 包括由于验证过程所需的任何更新的FAFSA记录, 以较晚的为准.
  • SPS学生资助将在您申请资助的学期内的预期课程中平均分配. For example, Fall aid will be split between Fall 1/Fall 2. 援助将在你开始参加相应的入学级别前三天转移到商务办公室, or the day on which all required documents have been received, 包括由于验证过程所需的任何更新的FAFSA记录, 以较晚的为准.


  • 商务办公室负责发送您符合条件的所有退款. The default method is by paper check to your permanent address. You may change your address with the 业务办公室.
  • 在您参加的学期的100%退学日期之前,不会发送退款.
  • We highly recommend utilizing our direct deposit option, which you may set up with the 业务办公室.
  • 经济援助是根据注册情况发放的,前提是你将参加注册的所有课程.
  • 未能开始参加一门或多门课程可能会导致您的资助减少或取消.
  • The Federal Pell grant is specifically prorated based on enrollment. 如果您无法在一门或多门获得佩尔的课程中确认出勤, your Pell grant must be reduced accordingly.